The Beacon - AMENITIES

If you think that affordability and elegance do not really come hand in hand, you have not seen what the Beacon has to offer. The Beacon aims to not only provide affordable living spaces for people from all walks of life but also promise to offer an actual enjoyable experience. If you are looking for an affordable hotel-like living situation, you need not look further than the Beacon.

First of all, the Beacon values the safety and well-being of its guests and residents, which is why it employs the services of a professional security service. At any time, there are teams of professional security personnel keeping watch over the entire building. There are at least two guards posted at every entrance to the building and inside the parking areas. There are always a couple of them patrolling all of the common areas. To aid in their job, the Beacon also has dozens of security cameras installed in strategic locations in the building. They make sure that there is nothing strange or untoward that is happening inside the condominium.

The first thing that comes into the minds of people when they think of condominium living is that there must be a swimming pool in the building. However, the Beacon takes this concept a bit further. Wherein some condominiums just installed an oversized bathtub then call it a swimming pool, the pool area in the Beacon is a proper pool. For one thing, the swimming pool area is huge. There is one huge asymmetrically-shaped pool, which is actually three different pools combined into one. There are two sections that are for adults. These two are quiet and deep, which is perfect not just for lounging around but for training and exercise as well. There is also a section of the pool that is quite shallow, and just the perfect size for young children to splash around and wade in the water.

There is also a huge deck area surrounding the swimming pool that has several landscaped mini-gardens. There, you can sit back and relax in one of the deck loungers, or you can have a nice little picnic in one of the tables. There is also a larger landscaped garden in the side of the building opposite the swimming pool area. You can find benches here were you can sit down and just admire the landscaped garden whenever you feel stressed or you just want to take a break from staring at the concrete pavement all day long.

Another benefit of living in the Beacon is that you do not have to spend money for an expensive gym membership because there is already a complete one inside the Beacon Makati. If you want to lift weights, there is a complete set of weighted plates and weightlifting equipment. If you want to work on your cardio, there are lots of treadmills, elliptical trainers, and stationary bikes that you can use (and you also get a nice view of the swimming pool area). You will no longer have any excuse not to exercise because the gym is already inside the building that you live in.

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